Follow The Below Steps:

  • Get the Wireless Router and connect an Ethernet cable to your router on one side and on another side to your PC or Laptop.
  • Plug in your wireless router to the power supply.
  • Wait a few seconds to start the router, and make sure the light of the router gets turned on.
  • Open the Web browser (Recommended, Chrome) on your PC and configure the router.
  • Visit the default IP Address of your router (You can search the default Gateway of your router in Google or find it in the back panel too).
  • From the Particular IP Address of that router, you need to sign in there. 
  • Enter the sign-in username and password. Depending on your router you can find the default username and password. As default, many routers have a username as admin and a password as the password.
  • Get signed in with login details and go to the Network Name, and enter the unique SSID Name for your Wifi.
  • Set the new Password from the Network Password setting. Choose the encryption method as WPA2 Personal.
  • Connect the device and enjoy.
Wifi Setup

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